Giant sleeps for every kid
It’s a simple vision: every family has access to sleep education for giant sleeps.
That means our mission is to make quality, science-driven sleep educational content free — and that’s not easy.

Everybody needs a little help
Why isn’t sleep education free?
Yeah, yeah, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. But kiddos — and their parents — need sleep. When we needed help, why was it so hard to find? Why wasn’t sleep education part of our parenting classes? Why didn’t our friends, our family, or even our doctors know how to help, or where to find help?
And when we finally found help, why was help so expensive?
It became clear that sleep education wasn’t available or accessible.

Small steps toward
giant dreams
Giant dreams take a lot of work — but that’s why Small Steps was born.
Our first, small steps are:
- developing high quality sleep education
- building a strong user base to demonstrate success
- convincing libraries, agencies, and other orgs to partner in our mission
Right now, we charge for our courses to fund the development of a full course offering, covering a variety of ages and specific challenges. But, we never want to lose sight of our mission — so if price is a barrier for you, send an email for sliding scale pricin

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